

[oral] The plant palace: a garden of the world

Onderzoeksoutput: Bijdrage aan congresC3: Congres - Meeting abstract

Since 1956, the Plant Palace of Meise Botanic Garden takes visitors on a tour among the plants of the world. While in the first period the main focus was on a scientific collection in pots, grouped in geographic greenhouses, from the 1990’s onwards, the 13 public houses have been landscaped for better access and to reach the public better. Since then there has also been a stronger emphasis on educational programs, information boards and guided tours. In September 2017 the main entrance of the Plant Palace was renewed and the landscaping of 11 of the 13 houses was completed. In the same year the garden started regrouping the current and future greenhouses, gardens and museums into 5 thematic walks. The plant palace forms the “Garden of the world”, taking visitors through the different biomes with an emphasis on the adaptations plants have developed in the various climates and habitats. During 2018 the information boards of the different houses will be rethought in this theme and made uniform. Each climatic zone will be introduced by a totem board with information on its dominant biome. Classic information boards will be further supplemented with interactive elements to make the information moreaccessible for children. Currently the palace includes a rainforest wing (among which the recently opened canopy trail with epiphytes and a Central African rainforest). Further there are separate houses for the desert, savanna & monsoon, tropical wetlands, broadleaf evergreen forest and anthropogenic biomes along with the evolution house. The montane and Mediterranean houses will be landscaped by 2021 including a thematic focus on carnivorous plants. In addition, to include all major biomes of the world, also plants from deciduous forest, prairie, taiga and tundra vegetation belts from the outdoor collectionswill eventually be tuned in the garden of the world.
Originele taal-2Engels
StatusGepubliceerd - mei-2018
EventEurogard VIII: Eight European Botanic Gardens Congress: Botanic Gardens, People and Plants for a Sustainable World - Lisbon, Portugal
Duur: 7-mei-201811-mei-2018


CongresEurogard VIII: Eight European Botanic Gardens Congress
Verkorte titel8th EUROGARD Congress
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