The tropical African Laetiporus species are revised, based on morphological,
ecological, distribution, and phylogenetic data. Laetiporus discolor, originally described
from insular Mauritius, is accepted for the species spanning over the African eastern
mountain range. Laetiporus oboensis and Laetiporus tenuiculus are described as new
from the African equatorial insular São Tomé, based on phylogenetic, morphological,
and distribution data. Laetiporus oboensis is characterised by compound basidiomes,
with densely imbricated pilei in pale orange tint, a lobed margin, 3–4 pores / mm, and
basidiospores averaging 4.8 × 3.7 μm. Laetiporus tenuiculus has mostly solitary, small,
thin basidiomes, with pale flesh to pale orange pileus, an incised margin, 4–5 pores /
mm, and basidiospores averaging 5.4 × 4.2 μm. A fourth species, known from two
isolates from Ethiopian highlands, but for which voucher specimens were not available
for description, is uncertain. These four species form an African endemic lineage,
whose distribution is afro-mountainous.