

DiSSCo Prepare Deliverable D4.4 - Roadmap for the partnerships project within the EU PCP framework

Onderzoeksoutput: Boek/rapportRapport

This report focuses primarily on the procurement framework options needed to support Research & Development within the DiSSCo RI, the Research Infrastructure of the Distributed System of Scientific Collection. DiSSCo will work with both industrial and publ ic partners to co-create services and co-develop products such as, but not limited to, software and digitisation technology and will contract with third parties for goods and services. The DiSSCo RI will require strategic partnerships with all these actors. A clear strategy allows an organisation to both develop self-sustainability and to align its procurement process with its long term priorities and objectives, supporting partnership development, scaling up, risk mitigation, efficiency gains and building roadmaps. For this report we build on the efforts of task 4.4 "pre commercial procurement financial structure" of work package 4 "business framework" in the DiSSCo Prepare project. We worked with a technical partner (Acrosslimits) to consider how procurement frameworks have been implemented in other relevant European Research Infrastructures. Through the internal collaboration with other work packages, we gained insight into the opportunities and challenges that pre-commercial procurement (PCP) can represent for DiSSCo with perspective on other procurement types. This deliverable provides a roadmap for DiSSCo within the PCP framework, leveraging the DiSSCo Strategy developed in DiSSCo Prepare. We do this through offering perspective on funding approaches with their opportunities and challenges for both the DiSSCo Hub as well as its members and funders. We provide an indicative view on the preparation phase to PCP, as this is where the main difference will be found. The execution phases follow a defined approach of execution by the external to DiSSCo innovators, and a judging by the DiSSCo members at each round. We close with a recommendation and final conclusion based on the overall cost and complexity assessment of the considered approaches based on the listed assumptions. These assumptions have to be transferred into DiSSCo Construct, and the model updated where reality turns out different.
Originele taal-2Engels
UitgeverijDiSSCo prepare Knowledge Base
Aantal pagina's33
StatusGepubliceerd - 2023


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