

Nieuwelaan 38

1860 Meise



  • B300-plantenfylogenie
  • B100-algemene-evolutieleer
  • B270-plantenecologie
  • B290-systematische-plantkunde
  • B290-taxonomie-van-planten
  • B290-fytogeografie


Laboratory techniques
Molecular techniques (Cloning, PCR, Sequencing, DNA extraction)
Morphological techniques (SEM, LM, Critical pointdrying).
Biodiversity Inventory for Conservation
Co-founder and president of the non-profit organization BINCO (Biodiversity Inventory for
Conservation), 2007 - present.


2003 - 2004 * Ph.D. student (BOF, K.U.Leuven) - Laboratory of Plant Systematics
2004 - 2008 * Ph.D. student (FWO Vlaanderen) - Laboratory of Plant Systematics
2008 - 2012 * Postdoctoral fellow (FWO Vlaanderen) - Laboratory of Plant Systematics
2012 - 2013 * Postdoctoral fellow (BOF, K.U.Leuven) - Laboratory of Plant Biodiversity and population biology
2013 - present * Scientific researcher - Botanic Garden Meise


Undergraduate course
Cladistics, K.U.Leuven, 2005-2006 and 2006-2007 (part of the course ‘Advanced Plant Systematics’).
Undergraduate course
Gymnosperms, K.U.Leuven, 2004-2005, 2005-2006, 2006-2007 and 2007-2008 (part of the course
‘Advanced Plant Systematics’).

Recentste projecten

  1. Man and Biosphere Reserves Network

    Project: ???project.projecttypes.project.description???Onderzoeksproject

  2. PhenSeeData

    Project: ???project.projecttypes.project.description???Onderzoeksproject

  3. The evolution and biogeography of the Oxalis corniculata group

    Project: ???project.projecttypes.project.description???Onderzoeksproject

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Recentste projecten

  1. Man and Biosphere Reserves Network

    Project: ???project.projecttypes.project.description???Onderzoeksproject

  2. PhenSeeData

    Project: ???project.projecttypes.project.description???Onderzoeksproject

  3. The evolution and biogeography of the Oxalis corniculata group

    Project: ???project.projecttypes.project.description???Onderzoeksproject

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