

Nieuwelaan 38

1860 Meise



  • B270-plantenecologie


2008 – today               Conservation Officer at the Botanic Garden Meise, Department of Living Plant Collections and Park. Responsible for all matters related to the conservation of threatened species from the Belgian flora, the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation, and climate change issues.



2000 - 2007                Postdoc researcher at the Free University of Brussels (VUB), Department of General Botany and Nature Management (APNA – Prof. N. Koedam). Coordinator of the Information Center for the Sonian Forest, and leader of the project “Monitoring of the Natura 2000 areas in the Brussels Capital Region”. Study of the vegetation of a peri-urban managed semi-natural forest: relationships between overstory and understory, monitoring of forest wetlands and degraded woodlands, habitat fragmentation, soil compaction, canopy stress, forest microclimate, ecological behaviour of some invasive plant species. Monitoring of EU-habitats and coordination of the bat monitoring made by NGOs. Contacts with the media; reporting to Europe (assessment of conservation status).


1996 - 2000                Scientific collaborator at the Paul Duvigneaud Ecological Centre (ULB). Data base manager, organisation of conferences and exhibitions, monitoring of the vegetation in urban parks.


1992 - 1994                Research assistant at the Catholic University of Louvain (UCL). Department of Ecology-Biogeography (Prof. P. Lebrun). Botanical inventory of the city of Brussels, development of a data base, species mapping. 




- practical works:                     - 2000-2005. Participation in the practical works of Prof. Koedam and Prof. Triest (VUB), for students in Bio-engineering, Biology, Geography, Geology. Field work and excursion to the Sonian Forest and “het Zwin”. Introduction to ecological concepts, plant determination and the use of a flora. Introduction to vegetation science, classification and ordination of vegetation relevés with Twinspan and Canoco.

                                                - 1995-1999. Participation in the practical works of Prof. Tanghe (ULB) for the students in botany. Demonstrations of the softwares Anaphyto and Twinspan for vegetation data processing.


- thesis supervision:                - 2000-2001. Co-promotor of the MSc Thesis of Wim Massant: “De vegetatie van het Zoniënwoud in het Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest: analyse van het vegetatiebeheer in de natuurreservaten, verfijning van de gebiedsdekkende vegetatiekaart”.

- 2001-2002. Co-promotor of the MSc Thesis of Sonja Rucquoij “De Vegetatie van kaalkap- en kapvlakten in het Zoniënwoud”.

- 2001-2002. Supervisor of a post-doc researcher, Dr. Shyam Phartyal from India, in the framework of the action “Research in Brussel”, for a study on the “Seed ecology and germination of the Black cherry (Prunus serotina), an invasive exotic species in the Sonian Forest”.

- 2002-2003. Co-promotor of the MSc Thesis of Dennis Monbaliu “Spontane vegetatie van braakliggende en verwaarloosde terreinen in stedelijk gebied (Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest)”.

- 2003-2004. Co-promotor of the EST Thesis of Dennis Monbaliu “The effect of experimental soil treatments on the herbaceous plant composition in a forest ecosystem (Sonian Forest)”.

- 2004-2005. Co-promotor of the EST Thesis of Nektarios Nicolaides “The influence of nature management practices (o.a. sod cutting), soil characteristics and ground-water level on the vegetation composition in wet heathlands”.

- 2004-2005. Co-promotor of the MSc Thesis of Arne Maes “Het effect van bosexploitatie op de bodemcompactie en de kruidvegetatie in het Zoniënwoud”.

- 2004-2005. Co-promotor of the MSc Thesis of Kirke Verhaege “Effect van landschapspatronen op de herpetofaunagemeenschap in een Centraal Grieks cultuurlandschap”

- 2005-2006. MSc Thesis of Fabrice Servaes “Study of the effects of landscape attributes on the ornithofauna in a Central Greek agricultural landscape type”



- training course:                      July 1992. Leader of the training course in the Laboratory of Ecology (ULB) in Peyresq (France - Alps), on request of Prof. J. Lejoly. Field trips: study of the most typical plant communities, altitudinal zonation, correlations with environmental variables.


                                                September 2008. Training provider during the 1st EDIT Summer School “Modern Taxonomy and Field Work”. Field practical courses on “Fieldwork methods for plant inventory and sampling”.


Other teaching activities


- educational support:              May 1998. Support for the practical works in phytosociology for candidates for the nature guide certificate, on request of Prof. M. Tanghe (ULB). Field work: demonstration of the Braun-Blanquet technique.

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