

Nieuwelaan 38

1860 Meise



  • B290-systematische-plantkunde
  • B290-taxonomie-van-planten
  • B290-morfologie-van-planten
  • B300-plantenfylogenie


May 2006- onwards: Work leader, National Botanic Garden of Belgium

May 2003- April 2006: First assistent, National Botanic Garden of Belgium

May 2001- April 2003: Assistent, National Botanic Garden of Belgium

October 1997 - September 2000: postdoctoral researcher of the Fund for Scientific Research - Flanders (F.W.O.), stationed at the National Botanic Garden of Belgium and the University of Antwerp (U.I.A.).

October 1993 - September 1996: research Assistent of the Fund for Scientific Research - Flanders (F.W.O.), stationed at the National Botanic Garden of Belgium and the University of Antwerp (U.I.A.). 


July 2012 - ongoing: Department head ad interim, department Spermatophytes-Pteridophytes, Botanic Garden Meise

May 2006- July 2012: Work leader (werkleider), National Botanic Garden of Belgium

May 2003- April 2006: First Assistant (eerstaanwezend assistant), National Botanic Garden of Belgium

May 2001- April 2003: Assistent, National Botanic Garden of Belgium

October 1997 - September 2000: postdoctoral researcher of the Fund for Scientific Research - Flanders (F.W.O.), stationed at the National Botanic Garden of Belgium and the University of Antwerp (U.I.A.).

October 1993 - September 1996: research Assistent of the Fund for Scientific Research - Flanders (F.W.O.), stationed at the National Botanic Garden of Belgium and the University of Antwerp (U.I.A.).



- Systematics of Rubiaceae

- Monographic and taxonomic studies of the tribe Pavetteae, with special interest for the Madagascan representatives

- Comparative plant morphology and anatomy of Rubiaceae

Inloggen in Pure