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Ripartitella castilloi (Tricholomataceae), a new species from medium elevation Andean mountain range in southern Ecuador.

Research output: Contribution to journalA1: Web of Science-articlepeer-review

  • Andrea Jaramillo
  • Mario Amalfi
  • Gabriel Castillo
  • Darío Cruz
  • Cony Decock
In the course of an ongoing survey of macrofungal diversity in the Podocarpus National Park in Southern Ecuador, several specimens of a Ripartitella species were found that could not be identified on morphological nor phylogenetic ground to any described species. It is described as Ripartitella castilloi
Original languageEnglish
JournalMycological Progress
Pages (from-to)1
Number of pages27
Publication statusSubmitted - 15-Nov-2024
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