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Planting the rainforest @ Botanic Garden Meise: drawing optimal planting plans for glasshouse displays.

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingC3: Conference Abstract

Restoration of the infrastructure and planting in the Plant Palace has been a major undertaking of Botanic Garden Meise in recent years. The tropical biome, which takes up the entire north wing, became the current focus for this work. A linear trail is planned that will take visitors on an east-west journey through five glasshouses festooned with lush, tropical rainforest. Much attention has been put on analysis of the collections and the development of optimal planting plans for these glasshouses. Botanic Garden Meise is fortunate to have an excellent collection of rainforest species, especially woody plants. It was therefore necessary to perform careful analysis to select the most interesting accessions in function of the central goals of the garden: display & education, scientific research and conservation. Analysis comprised calculation of a relevance and priority scores based on different types of data including conservation value, display value, rarity in collections, etc. Next, starting from the hardware plans, plantation plans are designed integrating educative themes, technical limitations and analysis of viewpoints. In addition, also ecological data have been analysed as the public glasshouses are landscaped around the different (sub)-tropical biomes. As rainforests typically comprise multiple canopy layers, we wanted to reflect this in our glasshouses. This was best achieved by planting each layer separately taking into account the natural ecology of the species and the current sizes of the available plants. In this way we create scenes that are both balanced and natural that will reveal the wonders of the rainforest habitat to visitors.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication6th Global Gardens Congress. Botanic Gardens in society: Visions for the future : Book of Abstracts
Place of PublicationGeneva
Publication date26-Jun-2017
Publication statusPublished - 26-Jun-2017
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