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Evolution and biogeography of the Pavetteae tribe

Research output: Contribution to conferenceC3: Conference - meeting abstract

With over 700 species, the Pavetteae are one of the largest tribes in the subfamily Dialypetalanthoideae (formerly: Ixoroideae). Pavetteae representatives are characterized by a high morphological variation, especially regarding the reproductive characters (e.g., number of seeds per fruit, seed type and placentation). Representatives of the tribe occur throughout the Paleotropics in humid and dry vegetation types. In the Asian-Pacific region c. 300 species are currently described whereas on continental Africa and Madagascar (and Western Indian Ocean Islands) c. 350 and c. 80 species are present, respectively. Recently many new genera have been recognized among the Malagasy Pavetteae species (e.g., Tulearia). In addition, it is clear that within the paleotropical genus Tarenna there will be a split into different genera. Not only is the taxonomic history of the tribe rather complicated, also the biogeographical history and evolutionary patterns of the tribe remain understudied to date. Molecular phylogenetics combined with age inference methods, diversification analyses and ancestral area reconstruction clearly indicate that current diversity of the Pavetteae is the result of several dispersal events within the Paleotropical region. Moreover, several shifts in ecological preference have likely driven the evolutionary history within the Pavetteae.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 27-Oct-2023
EventVIII International Rubiaceae and Gentianales Conference - San Ignacio, Argentina
Duration: 25-Oct-202327-Oct-2023


ConferenceVIII International Rubiaceae and Gentianales Conference
CitySan Ignacio
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