The central Africa is a center of diversity and spéciation for the Solanaceae. The objective of this study was to inventory and to examine the diversity of the specimens of herbaria of the Solanaceae harvested in the central Africa region (Rwanda Burundi-DR Congo) and, to establish the ecological characters of species inventoried in the Herbarias. The specimens of Herbarias of BR, P, BRLU and IUK of the University of Kinshasa have been studied. An analysis of 3650 specimens of herbaria indicates that the Solanaceae in central Africa are only represented with 15 kinds for 61 species. The Capsicum kinds (2 species), Solanum (36 species), Brugmansia (2 species), Physalis (3 species), Solandra (1 species), Petunia (1espèce), Discopodium (1 species), Datura (3 species), Nicandra (1 species), Whitania (1 species), Nicotiana (2 species), Cestrum (2 species), Brunfelsia (1 species), Physalis (3), Cestrum (2 species), Petunia (1 species), Datura (3 species). The Solanum, kind alone, is represented with 36
species for the central Africa. In this geographical area of central Africa the Solanaceae are distributed in all countries which compose the phytogéographic regions of central Africa.