Research portal


Thierry Vanderborght


Nieuwelaan 38

1860 Meise


    Research areas

  • B390-plant-breeding

Working expertise

January 1, 1979 - June 30, 1979 (Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Gembloux): Research on the improvement of food legumes by interspecific hybridization. Study of the barriers to compatibility between legumes species using morphological, chemical and cytological observations.

July 29, 1979 - July 28, 1982 (FAO, Rome - Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Gembloux): "Visiting Research Associate" at CIAT ("Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical"), Cali, Colombia. This center is part of the network of International Centers of Agricultural Research whose activities are coordinated by the "Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research" (CGIAR). Programme for the improvment of the common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) using interspecific hybrids. Morphological evaluation and research on taxonomy and on the origin ot he wild forms of P. vulgaris. Development of a seed production method appropriate to a cross-pollinated species, P. coccineus L., based on detailed study of floral biology and insect polllinators.

September 15, 1982 - September 4, 1986 (IBPGR "International Board for Plant Genetic Resources", Rome - Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Gembloux): Development and managment of a global database on Phaseolus vulgaris L. Comparative analysis of different multivariate statistical methods applied to morphological and agronomic traits. Use of such tools to study the genetic diversity in wild forms of P. vulgaris. The research project has been the subject of a PhD thesis. Development of a database management system for a wild Phaseolinae collection.

September 5, 1986 - December 31, 1987 (AGCD: General Administration of Development Cooperation, Brussels - FUL: Luxembourg University Foundation, Arlon): Professor at the Institute of Environmental Sciences (University of Dakar).

January 1, 1988 - to date (Meise Botanic Garden, formerly National Botanic Garden of Belgium): Scientific, technical and administrative management of the seed bank and of the collection of wild species of Phaseoleae - Phaseolinae. Development and management of databases and web sites for the living collections (LIVCOL, PHASEO, PLANTCOL). Head Living collections and Park (January 1, 1994 - September 30, 2015)

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