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Mario Amalfi


Standardized CV of Mario Amalfi for the activity report 2024

1. Publications

1.1. Publications in journals

A1: Web of science articles

  1. Just the tip of the iceberg – uncovering a hyperdiverse clade of African Russula species with signs of evolutionary habitat adaptations

    Manz, C., Amalfi, M., Buyck, B., Hampe, F., Yorou, N. S., Adamčík, S. & Piepenbring, M., 28-Nov-2024, (Accepted/In press) In: IMA Fungus. p. 1 75 p.
  2. New insights on the Xylaria species (Ascomycota, Xylariales) with bright-coloured exudates: Xylaria aurantiorubroguttata sp. nov. and revision of X. haemorrhoidalis and X. anisopleura type collections

    Forin, N., Vizzini, A., Amalfi, M., Voyron, S., Ercole, E., Marcolini, S., Moschin, S. & Baldan, B., 21-Nov-2024, In: IMA Fungus. 15, 1, p. 37 15 p.
  3. The reassessment of Lignosus dimiticus (Basidiomycota, Polyporales), an enigmatic polypore rediscovered in the Central African Republic, and the new genus Microporellopsis (Fibroporiaceae)

    Rellea Kouagou Yayoro, Y., Dumez, S., Courtecuisse, R., Decock, C., Cabarroi-Hernández, M., Amalfi, M., Moreau, P-A. & Welti, S., 16-Nov-2024, (Accepted/In press) In: Mycological Progress.
  4. Fomitiporia in the Afromontane archipelago: Fomitiporia oboensis (Hymenochaetaceae, Basidiomycota), an undescribed species from Afromontane, high elevation forests in São Tomé, and the Fomitiporia lineages in Africa.

    Amalfi, M. & Decock, C., 15-Nov-2024, (In preparation) In: Mycological Progress. p. 1 18 p.
  5. Ripartitella castilloi (Tricholomataceae), a new species from medium elevation Andean mountain range in southern Ecuador.

    Jaramillo, A., Amalfi, M., Castillo, G., Cruz, D. & Decock, C., 15-Nov-2024, (Submitted) In: Mycological Progress. p. 1 27 p.
  6. A revision of the African Russula radicans and allies in subgen. Heterophyllidiae provides an example of a clade that exhibits recent diversification and extensive phenotypic plasticity.

    Buyck, B., Henkel, T. W., Manz, C., Wang, WH. & Amalfi, M., 8-Nov-2024, (Submitted) In: Mycologia.
  7. Studies of species diversity of Ganoderma curtisii complex revealed a new species from Mexico

    Cabarroi-Hernández, M., Decock, C., Guzmán-Dávalos, L., Torres-Torres, M. G., Ramirez-Cruz, V. & Amalfi, M., 4-Nov-2024, (Submitted) In: Mycological Progress.
  8. Phylloporia (Basidiomycota, Hymenochaetales) in tropical Africa: morphological, ecological, and phylogenetic data support four undescribed species from the East African coastal forest at Arabuko Sokoke National Park, Kenya.

    Decock, C., Murithi, K. A., Makokha, R., Wanga, L., Matasyoh, J. & Amalfi, M., 2-Nov-2024, (Submitted) In: Mycologia. p. 1 38 p.
  9. Laetiporus (Laetiporaceae, Basidiomycota) in Tropical Africa is represented by a single Afromontane lineage and four species, including Laetiporus discolor, Laetiporus oboensis sp. nov., Laetiporus tenuiculus sp. nov., and Laetiporus sp. 1.

    Rizinde Hakizimana, J-C., Amalfi, M., Balezi, A. & Decock, C., 18-Oct-2024, In: Mycologia. 116, 6, p. 1083-1100
  10. First comprehensive multigene phylogeny of Phylloporia (Hymenochaetaceae, Basidiomycota), with an emphasis on tropical African species.

    Amalfi, M., Jérusalem, M., Yombiyeni, P., Castillo, G. & Decock, C., 7-Oct-2024, (Accepted/In press) In: Persoonia. p. 1 55 p.
  11. Fomes weberianus, 50 years of taxonomic confusion: lectotypification and taxonomic notes

    Decock, C., Cabarroi-Hernández, M., Guzmán-Dávalos, L., Kirk, P. M., García-Beltrán, J. A. & Amalfi, M., 24-Jun-2024, In: IMA Fungus. 15, 1, p. 16 16 p.,
  12. Axenic Culture and DNA Barcode Identification of Wood Decay Fungi from the Maltese Islands

    Iannaccone, M., Amalfi, M. & Buhagiar, J., 13-May-2024, In: Forests. 15, 5, 850.
  13. Studies in Perenniporia s.l. (Basidiomycetes, Polyporaceae). Phaeoperenniporia gen. nov., a new genus to accommodate the Guineo-Congolian Perenniporia nigra and its Neotropical relatives, Perenniporia gomezii and Perenniporia amazonica.

    Decock, C., Yombiyeni, P., Forin, N. & Amalfi, M., Nov-2023, (In preparation) In: Persoonia. p. 1 27 p.
  14. Perplexoporia, a new genus of poroid Russulales from Equatorial Africa.

    Decock, C. & Amalfi, M., 20-Oct-2023, (Submitted) In: Fungal Systematics and Evolution. p. 1 27 p.
  15. Ganoderma from Cuba: an approach to some species based on morphology and phylogenetic analyses

    Cabarroi-Hernandez, M., Decock, C., Welti, S., Amalfi, M., Villalobos-Arambula, A. R., Aliaga-Ramos, D., Morera, G., Sandi, E. M-P., Castro, A. A. & Guzman-Davalos, L., 1-Jul-2023, In: Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 140, p. 323-357
  16. Ripartitella degreefii (Tricholomataceae), a new species from tropical Africa

    Rizinde Hakizimana, J-C., Amalfi, M., Degreef, J., Desjardin, D. E. & Decock, C., 16-May-2023, In: Phytotaxa. Vol. 597 , Vol. 597 No. 3: 16 May 2023, p. 195 207 p.
  17. Genetic characterization of a group of commercial African timber species: From genomics to barcoding

    Mascarello, M., Lachenaud, O., Amalfi, M., Smets, E., Hardy, O. J., Beeckman, H. & Janssens, S. B., 1-Apr-2023, In: PLOS ONE. 18, 4, e0284732.
  18. Echinochaete (Basidiomycota, Polyporales) in Tropical Africa: Echinochaete patouillardii comb. nov. and E. riftensis sp. nov., both segregated from the E. brachypora complex.

    Rizinde Hakizimana, J-C., Balezi, A., Yombiyeni, P., Degreef, J., Decock, C. & Amalfi, M., 15-Mar-2023, (In preparation) In: Mycological Progress. p. 1 18 p.
A2: International peer reviewed articles
A3: National journal articles with peer review
A4: Articles in journal without peer review

1.2. Books, dissertations, reports

1.2.3. Reports

  1. ACTIVITY REPORT GTI Capacity Development Grant 2023 R1.1-2/2023/211

    Amalfi, M. & De Kesel, A., 17-Apr-2024, Plantentuin Meise. 22 p.

    Amalfi, M., Jul-2023
  3. Rapport de mission PARC DU Kahuzi-Biega, dans le cadre du projet Mycologie et développement dans la Région des Grands Lacs (RDC, 21/4/2022 – 6/5/2022)

    Amalfi, M., 23-Oct-2022, 11 p.
1.3. Contributions to books
1.3.1. Chapter in book
1.3.2. Articles in proceedings
1.3.3. Foreword/Postscript

1.3.4. Contributions to scientific report

  1. 3_03_Fomes_weberianus_50_years_of_taxonomic_confusion

    Amalfi, M., Nov-2024, Fomes weberianus, 50 years of taxonomic confusion: lectotypification and taxonomic notes..
  2. Ganoderma from Cuba , an integrative taxonomy approach

    Amalfi, M., 2023, Ganoderma from Cuba: an approach to some species based on morphology and phylogenetic analyses,.
1.3.5. Books Reviews
1.4. Online publications
1.5. Other publications (Press releases,...)
1.6. Multimedia/Audio-visual
2. Applications and Research projects

2.1. Applications (cannot be exported form Pure so need to be entered manually in the Word file)

2.2. Research projects

  1. Evolution of endemism and biogeographical patterns of the Afromontane archipelago

    Amalfi, M., Decock, C., Castillo, G., Njouonkou, A., Yombiyeni, P., Balezi, A. & Rizinde Hakizimana, J.

  2. Mycology and development in the Great Lakes Region: a reasoned approach and ex situ production chains for edible fungi, an additional economic alternative to the exploitation of protected areas

    Decock, C., Muhashy Habiyaremye, F., Degreef, J., Stévigny, C., Michel, B., Masumbuko, C., Nzigidahera, B. & Amalfi, M.


  3. Taxonomy of symbiotic fungi from the Zambezian region (Lubumbashi, DR Congo)

    De Kesel, A., Kasongo, B., Amalfi, M. & Verbeken, A.


3. Elaborating scientific network
3.1. Participation in conferences, symposia and workshops

3.2. Presentation at a conference (posters or oral presentations)

  1. Estudios de caracteres morfologicos y filogeneticos revelan una specie nueva dentro del complejo Ganoderma curtisii para Mexico

    Amalfi, M., 11-Nov-2024.
  2. The revision of the tropical African Laetiporus (Basidiomycota, Laetiporaceae)

    Rizinde Hakizimana, J-C., Amalfi, M. & Decock, C., 17-Apr-2023.
3.3. Other oral presentations
4. Researcher's mobility

4. Researcher's mobility

  1. Evolution et conservation de la diversité végétale : de la morphologie aux gènes.

    Jérôme Degreef (Organiser), Timothée Le Péchon (Organiser), Mario Amalfi (Keynote speaker), Jérôme Degreef (Keynote speaker), Timothée Le Péchon (Keynote speaker), Damien Ertz (Keynote speaker), Fabienne Van Rossum (Keynote speaker) & Olivier Raspé (Keynote speaker)

  2. Workshop capacity building Polypores (GTI Capacity Development Grant 2023 R1.1-2/2023/211). Presentation AbcTaxa 24.

    Mario Amalfi (Keynote speaker), André De Kesel (Keynote speaker), Nourou S Yorou (Keynote speaker) & Boris Olou (Keynote speaker)

  3. De la description morphologique à l’arbre phylogénétique : Étude pratique de la systématique de lignées végétales et fongiques

    Jérôme Degreef (Organiser), Timothée Le Péchon (Organiser), Mario Amalfi (Keynote speaker), Jérôme Degreef (Keynote speaker), Timothée Le Péchon (Keynote speaker) & Damien Ertz (Keynote speaker)


    Mario Amalfi (Participant)

5. Honours and awards

6. Knowledge transfer

  1. Co-supervisor PhD: Lowie Tondeleir: ”Truffle Tales: Phylogenetic, Morphological, and Genomic Insights into Paedomorphism as the Evolutionary Driver of Truffle-Like Fungi”FWP-APM Grant

    Mario Amalfi (Participant) & Mieke Verbeken (Participant)

    Nov-2024 → …
  2. Mentor intership Phebe Arnauts (VUB), integrative phylogeny of african Termitomyces

    Mario Amalfi (Expert) & Olivier Raspé (Expert)

  3. Milay Cabarroi-Hernández

    Mario Amalfi (Host)

  4. Mentor PhD: Jean-Claude RIZINDE, Taxonomy of edible fungi in the African Great Lakes Region

    Mario Amalfi (Participant)

  5. Mentor PhD: Matthieu Jérusalem (ULg): "Diversité, structure phylogénétique et stratégies nutritionnelles des basidiomycètes lignicoles en forêt tropicale : étude appliquée aux genres Phylloporia, Coltricia et Coltriciella (Hymenochaetaceae, Basidiomycota)"

    Mario Amalfi (Participant)

    Apr-2019 → …
  6. Co-supervision PhD (KU Leuven): Maurizio Mascarello, Genomic barcoding as a tool to trace and identify illegally logged African trees

    Mario Amalfi (Participant) & Maurizio Mascarello (Participant)

    2019 → …


  1. GTI tutor: Boris Olou. Molecular Taxonomy training. Study of Fulvifomes and related genera from west africa

    18/10/2330/11/23 - Mario Amalfi

6.1. Participation in councils, committees, networks...

  1. PhD Jury Maurizio Mascarello (Event)

    Mario Amalfi (Participant)

  2. PhD thesis jury mebmer: Jean-Claude Rizinde - " Albertine rift fungi: taxonomic, ecological, and functional diversity of several groups of mushrooms (Event)

    Mario Amalfi (Rapporteur) & Jérôme Degreef (Rapporteur)


6.2. Supervisor/co-supervisor/mentor

  1. Co-supervisor PhD: Lowie Tondeleir: ”Truffle Tales: Phylogenetic, Morphological, and Genomic Insights into Paedomorphism as the Evolutionary Driver of Truffle-Like Fungi”FWP-APM Grant

    Mario Amalfi (Participant) & Mieke Verbeken (Participant)

    Nov-2024 → …
  2. Mentor intership Phebe Arnauts (VUB), integrative phylogeny of african Termitomyces

    Mario Amalfi (Expert) & Olivier Raspé (Expert)

  3. Milay Cabarroi-Hernández

    Mario Amalfi (Host)


    Mario Amalfi (Participant)

  5. Mentor PhD: Jean-Claude RIZINDE, Taxonomy of edible fungi in the African Great Lakes Region

    Mario Amalfi (Participant)

  6. Mentor PhD: Matthieu Jérusalem (ULg): "Diversité, structure phylogénétique et stratégies nutritionnelles des basidiomycètes lignicoles en forêt tropicale : étude appliquée aux genres Phylloporia, Coltricia et Coltriciella (Hymenochaetaceae, Basidiomycota)"

    Mario Amalfi (Participant)

    Apr-2019 → …
  7. Co-supervision PhD (KU Leuven): Maurizio Mascarello, Genomic barcoding as a tool to trace and identify illegally logged African trees

    Mario Amalfi (Participant) & Maurizio Mascarello (Participant)

    2019 → …

6.3. Teaching

  1. Evolution et conservation de la diversité végétale : de la morphologie aux gènes.

    Jérôme Degreef (Organiser), Timothée Le Péchon (Organiser), Mario Amalfi (Keynote speaker), Jérôme Degreef (Keynote speaker), Timothée Le Péchon (Keynote speaker), Damien Ertz (Keynote speaker), Fabienne Van Rossum (Keynote speaker) & Olivier Raspé (Keynote speaker)

  2. Workshop capacity building Polypores (GTI Capacity Development Grant 2023 R1.1-2/2023/211). Presentation AbcTaxa 24.

    Mario Amalfi (Keynote speaker), André De Kesel (Keynote speaker), Nourou S Yorou (Keynote speaker) & Boris Olou (Keynote speaker)

  3. De la description morphologique à l’arbre phylogénétique : Étude pratique de la systématique de lignées végétales et fongiques

    Jérôme Degreef (Organiser), Timothée Le Péchon (Organiser), Mario Amalfi (Keynote speaker), Jérôme Degreef (Keynote speaker), Timothée Le Péchon (Keynote speaker) & Damien Ertz (Keynote speaker)


6.4. Training

  1. GTI tutor: Boris Olou. Molecular Taxonomy training. Study of Fulvifomes and related genera from west africa

    18/10/2330/11/23 - Mario Amalfi

6.5. Editorial tasks

  1. European Journal of Taxonomy (Journal)

    Mario Amalfi (Editor)

    2024 → …
  2. Mycologia (Journal)

    Mario Amalfi (Reviewer)

  3. Frontiers in Microbiology (Journal)

    Mario Amalfi (Reviewer)

    2020 → …
  4. MycoKeys (Journal)

    Mario Amalfi (Reviewer)

    2019 → …
  5. Mycoscience (Journal)

    Mario Amalfi (Reviewer)

    2013 → …

6.6. Services

  1. GTI tutor: Boris Olou. Molecular Taxonomy training. Study of Fulvifomes and related genera from west africa

    18/10/2330/11/23 - Mario Amalfi
  2. GTI tutor: Boris Olou. Taxonomy training. Study of Ganoderma type material.

    22/10/2130/11/23 - Mario Amalfi, André De Kesel

6.7. Hosting a visitor

  1. Milay Cabarroi-Hernández

    Mario Amalfi (Host)

7. Public outreach
7.1. Realising exhibitions
7.2. Realising education programmes
7.3. Public oriented communications
8. Datasets


Evolution of endemism and biogeographical patterns of the Afromontane archipelago

Amalfi, M., Decock, C., Castillo, G., Njouonkou, A., Yombiyeni, P., Balezi, A. & Rizinde Hakizimana, J.

Mycology and development in the Great Lakes Region: a reasoned approach and ex situ production chains for edible fungi, an additional economic alternative to the exploitation of protected areas

Decock, C., Muhashy Habiyaremye, F., Degreef, J., Stévigny, C., Michel, B., Masumbuko, C., Nzigidahera, B. & Amalfi, M.


Taxonomy of symbiotic fungi from the Zambezian region (Lubumbashi, DR Congo)

De Kesel, A., Kasongo, B., Amalfi, M. & Verbeken, A.



GTI tutor: Boris Olou. Molecular Taxonomy training. Study of Fulvifomes and related genera from west africa

18/10/2330/11/23 - Mario Amalfi

GTI tutor: Boris Olou. Taxonomy training. Study of Ganoderma type material.

22/10/2130/11/23 - Mario Amalfi, André De Kesel
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