Research portal


Marc Sosef


  1. 2021
  2. Tectonics, climate and the diversification of the tropical African terrestrial flora and fauna. / Couvreur, Thomas; Dauby, G.; Blach-Overgaard, Anne et al.
    In: Biological Reviews, Vol. 96, No. 1, 02.2021, p. 16-51.

    Research output: Contribution to journalA1: Web of Science-articlepeer-review

  3. Flore d'Afrique centrale, n.s. Spermatophyta - Gesneriaceae. / Fischer, Eberhard; Sosef, Marc[us] Simon Maria (Editor).
    Meise: Jardin Botanique Meise, 2021. 44 p. (Flore d’Afrique centrale (République démocratique du Congo – Rwanda – Burundi), nouvelle série, Spermatophyta).

    Research output: Book/ReportBook

  4. Flore d’Afrique centrale, n.s., Spermatophyta - Dioscoreaceae. / Hills, Ryan; Wilkin, Paul; Sosef, Marc[us] Simon Maria (Editor).
    Meise: Jardin Botanique Meise, 2021. 60 p.

    Research output: Book/ReportBookpeer-review

  5. Improving savannah knowledge of the high Katangan plateaus (south-eastern D.R. Congo). / Ilunga, Edouard; Tshikomb, Eliel Kawel; Ngoy Shutcha, Mylor et al.
    2021. Poster session presented at Scientific Missions and their Advancement for Overseas Sciences: Past, Present and Future, Brussels, Belgium.

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePoster

  6. Allanblackia kimbiliensis. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2021. / Sosef, Marc[us] Simon Maria ; Simo, Murielle; Tack, Wesley.

    Research output: Other contributionOnline publication - Web publication

  7. Allanblackia kisonghi. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2021. / Sosef, Marc[us] Simon Maria ; Simo, Murielle; Tack, Wesley.

    Research output: Other contributionOnline publication - Web publication

  8. Allanblackia marienii. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2021. / Sosef, Marc[us] Simon Maria ; Simo, Murielle; Tack, Wesley.

    Research output: Other contributionOnline publication - Web publication

  9. Botanische classificatie en naamgeving - een introductie. / Sosef, Marc[us] Simon Maria ; Degreef, Jérôme ; Engledow, Henry et al.
    Meise: Jardin Botanique Meise, 2021. 75 p.

    Research output: Book/ReportBook

  10. Cactaceae. / Sosef, Marc[us] Simon Maria .
    Flore du Gabon, Volume 57. ed. / Marc Sosef; Jacques Florence; Henri-Paul Bourobou Bourobou; Pulchérie Bissiengou. Vol. 57 Weikersheim: Margraf Publishers ; Backhuys Publishers, 2021. p. 27-30 (Flore du Gabon; Vol. 57).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingContribution to book/anthology

  11. Centroplacaceae. / Sosef, Marc[us] Simon Maria .
    Flore du Gabon, Volume 57. ed. / Marc Sosef; Jacques Florence; Henri-Paul Bourobou Bourobou; Pulchérie Bissiengou. Vol. 57 Margraf Publishers ; Backhuys Publishers, 2021. p. 31-34 (Flore du Gabon; Vol. 57).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingContribution to book/anthology

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