Research portal


Bart Van de Vijver


  1. 2024
  2. (Oral, Wetzel et al.) Morphological analysis of type material of Mayamaea atomus and its terrestrial allies, with insights into the genetic diversity of the genus. / Wetzel, Carlos; Williams, D.M.; Rimet, Frédéric et al.
    15th European Diatom Meeting Abstractbook. 2024. p. 56-57.

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingC3: Conference Abstractpeer-review

  3. On Brébisson's Considerations on the Diatoms and attempt at a classification of the genera and species belonging to this family (1838). / Williams, David m.; van de Vijver, Bart; Kusber, Wolf-henning.
    In: Phytotaxa, Vol. 635, No. 4, 31.01.2024, p. 297-300.

    Research output: Contribution to journalA1: Web of Science-articlepeer-review

  4. 2023
  5. (Oral, André et al.) Palaeoenvironment reconstruction of a medieval embankment at Sint Anna ter Muiden based on the ecology of palynomorphs and diatoms. / Andre, Coralie; De Clercq, Wim; Storme, Annelies et al.
    14th European Diatom Meeting Abstractbook. 2023. p. 17.

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingC3: Conference Abstractpeer-review

  6. (Oral, André et al.) Reconstruction paléoenvironnementale d'une digue médiévale à Mude (Zélande, Pays-Bas) basée sur l'écologie des palynomorphes et des diatomées. / Andre, Coralie; De Clercq, Wim; Storme, Annelies et al.
    41ème Colloque des diatomistes de langue française Livre de résumés. 2023. p. 12.

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingC3: Conference Abstractpeer-review

  7. (Poster, André et al.) Reconstruction of the palaeoenvironment at the Roman castellum of Aardenburg (southern Netherlands) based on palynological and diatom analysis. / Andre, Coralie; de Ruijsscher, Dante; De Clercq, Wim et al.
    14th European Diatom Meeting Abstractbook. 2023. p. 52.

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingC3: Conference Abstractpeer-review

  8. Pseudostaurosira ellipticolanceolata, a new araphid diatom (Bacillariophyta) from Flanders, Belgium. / Andre, Coralie; Koen, Sabbe; Van de Vijver, Bart.
    In: Phytotaxa, Vol. 591, No. 1, 2023, p. 83-86.

    Research output: Contribution to journalA1: Web of Science-articlepeer-review

  9. A new species of Staurosirella (Bacillariophyta) observed in a spring of the catchment of the Regional Natural Reserve of Jolan and Gazelle Peatlands, French Massif Central, France. / Beauger, Aude; Allain, Elisabeth; Voldoire, Olivier et al.
    In: Nova Hedwigia, Vol. 117, No. 1-4, 2023, p. 45-59.

    Research output: Contribution to journalA1: Web of Science-articlepeer-review

  10. (Oral, Beauger et al.) Diatomées des sources minérales de la Réserve Naturelle Régionale des tourbières du Jolan et de la Gazelle : biodiversité et qualité de l’eau. / Beauger, Aude; Allain, Elisabeth; Voldoire, Olivier et al.
    41 ème Colloque des diatomistes de langue française Livre de résumés. 2023. p. 27.

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingC3: Conference Abstractpeer-review

  11. (Poster, de Haan & Van de Vijver) The Walker Arnott samples and notes, a valuable part of the Van Heurck collection in Meise Botanic garden. / de Haan, Myriam; Van de Vijver, Bart.
    26th International Diatom Symposium Abstractbook. 2023. p. 54.

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingC3: Conference Abstractpeer-review

  12. (Poster, de Haan & Van de Vijver) The Walker Arnott samples and notes, a valuable part of the Van Heurck collection in Meise Botanic Garden. / de Haan, Myriam; Van de Vijver, Bart.
    14th European Diatom Meeting Abstractbook. 2023. p. 61.

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingC3: Conference Abstractpeer-review

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