Research portal


Meise Botanic Garden

Organisational unit: FRIS rootFRIS Tenant

Contact information

Nieuwelaan 38
  • Phone: +32 2260 0920
  • Fax: +32 2260 0945

Organisation profile

The Meise Botanic Garden is a centre of excellence for botanical and horticultural science, plant conservation, and education. With a herbarium collection of circa 4 million specimens and a living collection of nearly 25,000 accessions, the BGM is ranked among the largest botanic gardens in the world.
The science at the Garden centres on collection-based studies of plant diversity, evolution and ecology, spanning a wide array of taxonomic groups and geographic areas. The fundamental research of the Garden forms a platform for plant conservation and sustainable development, in close collaboration with other botanic gardens and conservation organisations. Finally, the BGM is dedicated to share its knowledge on plants and their environment to the research community, stakeholders, students and the general public.

Latest projects

  1. Preparing plant conservation for the future: Evolutionary aspects in ex-situ conservation and plant reintroduction

    Project: ???project.projecttypes.project.description???Research project

  2. Leaves of grass (cultureel samenwerkingsakkoord Vlaamse en Franse gemeenschap) (rejected)

    Project: ???project.projecttypes.project.description???Educationproject

  3. From pigment to pixel (DARIAH) (rejected)

    Project: ???project.projecttypes.project.description???Educationproject

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Latest projects

  1. Preparing plant conservation for the future: Evolutionary aspects in ex-situ conservation and plant reintroduction

    Project: ???project.projecttypes.project.description???Research project

  2. Leaves of grass (cultureel samenwerkingsakkoord Vlaamse en Franse gemeenschap) (rejected)

    Project: ???project.projecttypes.project.description???Educationproject

  3. From pigment to pixel (DARIAH) (rejected)

    Project: ???project.projecttypes.project.description???Educationproject

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